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Art & Design - Textile Design

Course Content:


Textile Design

Students are required to work in one or more area(s) of textile design, such as those listed below. They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas:

• fashion design

• fashion textiles

• costume design

• digital textiles

• printed and/or dyed fabric and materials

• domestic textiles and wallpaper

• interior design

• constructed textiles

• art textiles

• installed textiles.


A Level Units:


Component 1: Personal Investigation

This is a practical investigation supported by written material. Students are required to conduct a practical investigation, into an idea, issue, concept or theme, supported by written material. The focus of the investigation must be identified independently by the student and must lead to a finished outcome or a series of related finished outcomes.


Component 2: Externally Set assignment

A question paper will consist of a choice of eight questions to be used as starting points. Students are required to select one. Students will be provided with examination papers on 1 February, or as soon as possible after that date.

Preparatory period - from 1 February. Following receipt of the paper students should consider the starting points and select one. Preparatory work should be presented in any suitable format, such as mounted sheets, design sheets, sketchbooks, workbooks, journals, models and maquettes. Supervised time – 15 hours



A Level – Two Years


Component 1- Personal investigation


What is assessed: Personal Investigation

No time limit


60% of A- Level


Component 2- Externally set Assignment


What is assessed: Response to an externally set assignment

Preparatory period + 15 hours supervised time


40% of A- Level



Progression into careers via:


The course offers a logical progression from GCSE and directly support progression to further and higher education in Textile Design and related subjects, as well as providing all students with a rich platform to inspire a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of Textile Design

Length of Course:

2 years


Examination Board:



Periods Per Week:

5 x 1 hour lessons

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