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Prayer and Worship

Prayer and Worship at St Bede's

Students are encouraged and challenged over their time at St Bede’s to engage with their faith through acts of individual and collective worship. These take place three times every day: morning prayer in tutor groups during form time and year group liturgical prayer; in the middle of the day during Period 4 in tutor groups; and at the end of each school day. Our collective worship follows the diocesan format of gather, listen, respond and mission.

In addition to these daily acts of worship, there are many opportunities for prayer, Holy Mass, class liturgies and retreats throughout the year. There is always a focus on the great liturgical seasons of the Church’s year, including Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

St Bede's Prayer

Lord, I place myself and my day into your hands.
Help me to remember, in each moment of today, that I belong to a community
that shows compassion, seeks justice and offers hope.

I believe that my choices are my responsibility
and I must be accountable for my thoughts, words and actions.

I belong to a community that offers love, kindness and friendship to all people.
I believe that every person is my neighbour and I will stand in solidarity
with people of all religions and no religion.

I belong to a community that celebrates me and the gifts and talents I have been given. I believe that by using my gifts and talents, I can strive for excellence in all that I do
and inspire others along the way.

I belong to a community that is inclusive and has Christ at the heart of all that we do and say. I believe that it is my mission to make Christ known to others.

I belong to a community of faith, hope and love.

I belong to St. Bede’s.


Prayer and Worship
Theme Prayer: Kindness

Loving God,

You have created us in your own image,
calling us to be a reflection of your love, forgiveness and kindness.

We pray that St. Bede’s will always be a place where your love and kindness
are reflected; a place of hope, that extends the hand of friendship to all.

Help us to live in harmony and peace with one another
and to recognise your face in every individual.

We give thanks for all who offer us an encouraging word
and we pray that we too can bring positivity to every situation.

Help us to be living examples of your word,
extending your kindness to others, to the world and to ourselves.


Prayer and Worship

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Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company registration number 7890590.
Registered Office: Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY

St Bede's Catholic School & Sixth Form College

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