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How many subjects do I study?

Most students study three subjects.  These can be either A levels, vocational courses such as BTEC or a combination of these.  All qualifications are Level 3.  In addition, there is the opportunity to study AS Extended Project Qualification or Core Maths in Year 12.  


Is there a dress code?

There is no uniform but we do have a dress code. We ask that students to dress for a professional environment.  Students do not wear jogging bottoms, shorts, football shirts or facial piercings.  All students are issued with an identification lanyard and this must be worn at all times on the college site.  If a student forgets their lanyard they must see their Head of Year before 9.00am.


Can I bring my car to college?

There is limited car parking available on the college site, therefore permits are only issued to Year 13 students.  Any Year 13 student wishing to bring a car or motorbike on site must obtain a parking permit from their Head of Year first.


I am coming to St. Bede’s from another school, will I feel left out?

Not at all.  Students come to the college from schools all over County Durham and classes are mixed so everyone is in it together!


I am not sure what I want to do after A-Levels.  What support is available?

You are not alone as many other students are in the same position.  You will be able to get advice and support from your Tutor and Head of year but there is also a Progression Manager dedicated to supporting students with next steps after St. Bede’s and we have staff to support you with university, job and apprenticeship applications.  We have guest speakers from universities throughout the two years that you will be studying with us.


How many lessons will I get in a week?

Students studying three A levels will have 15 lessons (5 per subject) per fortnight plus a lesson of General RE. EPQ and Core Maths are currently 2 per week (A & B).    


What facilities are there to study and socialise in my spare time?

There are two main areas that are solely for use by sixth form students.  There is a large study room with a dedicated Sixth Form Library and extensive ICT access.  This is a quiet room for individual study.  The Hub is a newly built study and common room with a café that is open from 8am to 3pm every weekday during term time.  This room offers students a more informal environment to work as well as socialise at breaks and lunchtimes. 


Do I need to attend college every day?

The college day starts at 9.00am until 3.10pm for Sixth Form students, unless you have a 1-1 personal development meeting with your form tutor. These will take place every 2-3, depending on the support you need and will be from 8.45am - 9.00am.  Sixth Form students are allowed 'late starts' but must sign in on arrival and 'early finishes' if their timetable allows. This is a privilege based on good attendance and work rate and can be removed in the best interest of the student. 


What opportunities are there for me aside from study?

The college has a range of extra-curricular activities available.  These include team sports, reading buddies, numeracy buddies, Bar Mock Trial, languages opportunities, charity and chaplaincy groups, supporting lower school lessons and trips both locally, nationally and internationally.


How do I apply for holidays/leave of absence in Sixth Form?

We expect all students to have a minimum of 95% attendance and to be on time to every lesson. We do not recommend students are absent for holidays during the term time unless in exceptional circumstances. If your son/daughter is to be absent from college all requests must be made via the Leave of Absence form available on the website. 


What financial support is available to me?

St. Bede’s Sixth Form a bursary scheme targeted towards those young people who face the greatest financial barriers to participation; such as the costs of transport, meals, books and equipment. We will make every effort to support your son/daughter where possible during their time in our Sixth Form.


16 – 19 Bursary (Government funded)


Please contact Mrs Snowdon, Sixth Form Administration Manager for further details.


Who can apply for a place at St. Bede’s Sixth Form?

We invite applications from any current Year 11 pupils studying towards their GCSEs. Students who have already completed their GCSEs are also welcome to apply.


Can I use my mobile phone?

Students are permitted to use their mobile phones/earphones within the Sixth Form area only. Mobile phones/earphones should not be used anywhere else around school.

Contact us

Tel: 01207 520424


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Consett Road, Lanchester, County Durham,


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Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company registration number 7890590.
Registered Office: Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY


St Bede's Catholic School & Sixth Form College

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