A Level Results
Congratulations to our Year 13 students for the excellent A level results they have been awarded today. This cohort have faced unprecedented challenges during their time with us, indeed this was the first set of external exams students sat during their secondary education. The hard work and resilience they have shown has been well rewarded with the results achieved enabling the students to progress onto their next steps.
Year 13 students recorded an excellent set of results with the average grade for students’ best 3 A levels being a B grade and the average grade for Applied courses (BTEC’s) being a Merit. Students are progressing on to a fantastic range of university courses, including a large number of Russell Group institutions to study a full range of prestigious and exciting courses, as well as apprenticeships and other employment or training opportunities,
We are rightly proud of our Year 13 students and all they have achieved and we wish them all the very best as they move on to the next stage of their lives.