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Tutor Time Reading Programme

Our ‘Tutor Time Reading Programme’ takes place twice per week within tutor group time, ensuring that all students in main school can share in the enjoyment of reading through a diverse range of modern, award-winning texts, develop their comprehension skills and build their confidence, in a safe and supportive environment. It also supports those who have less experience of young adult fiction and may be more reluctant to begin their reading for pleasure journey. 
Led by their form tutor, students read carefully chosen, age-appropriate texts, which become more mature in content as they progress through each key stage. The texts allow us to explore some of the PSHE topics that we cover within our Personal Development curriculum, such as relationships, crime, stereotypes, prejudice, loss and conflict; we believe that the classroom is a safe space to explore real-world issues through fiction. Staff have been trained in effective reading aloud, as there is a body of evidence which suggests that hearing texts read aloud by an expert reader has a range of benefits for students. During the sessions, students track their tutor’s reading by using a reading ruler to follow the text in their own copy of the tutor group book.
So that all students have the opportunity to read as many books as possible, each tutor group will read a different text, which will then be rotated around classes. If you would like to find out more about the texts we will be exploring, as well as recommendations for what your child might like to read next, please click on the book from the list below.


Key Stage 3  

Year 7 

Year 8  

Year 9 
















Key Stage 4 

Year 10 

Year 1

Further Reading:

Reading List Suggestions for Year 7


Reading List Suggestions for Year 8

Reading List Suggestions for Year 9

Reading List Suggestions for Year 10-11

Contact us

Tel: 01207 520424


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Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company registration number 7890590.
Registered Office: Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY

St Bede's Catholic School & Sixth Form College

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